Billund Business Promotion

Presentation on Green Marketing

Billund Erhvervsfremme, like many other business centres, has a business network where companies can meet and discuss topics on everything relevant to business. That’s why we were invited to talk about green corporate communication.

Green Marketing is much more than green washing

Instead, the question is whether companies are missing out on positive impacts by not telling enough of their green stories.

The fear of greenwashing is real and, in a sense, valid. Conversely, it often leads to outright paralysis. The concept is called Green Hushing, and involves the aspect of simply keeping quiet about your green stories and products in fear of greenwashing. This is what today’s presentation was all about.

What skills were used?

Green Marketing was the primary focus, as companies wanted to feel confident in communicating their green initiatives and products.

This was the result

Customer review

So said Billund Business Promotion about working with us

“The companies in our “Network for Green Transition” got good inspiration for communicating their green initiatives. We learned a lot about why it is important to communicate both internally and externally when working with sustainability and green transition, and not least what to do and what to avoid in your green marketing. Thanks to Benjamin and Tribe Media for a great presentation!” – Susanne from Billund Business Promotion

Tribal members behind the project

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Merry Christmas and thank you for your cooperation

No matter how much or little we’ve talked this year, our collaboration still means a lot to us at the Tribe.

That’s why we want to give you some special Christmas gift that might help you in 2022.

40% discount on a video or photo
for the website or social media.

The gift can be picked up at our office dalbygade 40U 1. floor or you can book an online conversation in my, Benjamin, calendar.

I look forward to talking to you. Merry Christmas!