Facebook advertising on Webshops (10 tips)

Get our top 10 words for working with ads. We’ll get you up and running with Facebook advertising, but if you need help, we’re here to help!

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Facebook advertising help

Many people are often unsure about how to sell products on Facebook and how to do Facebook advertising. If you want to generate more revenue through Facebook but don’t know how to go about it, follow our Facebook advertising guide, which takes you through our top 10 tips:

Facebook advertising guide


With Multi-Product ads, you can create an ad that displays three different products – both on desktop and mobile. Assuming you run a webshop selling children’s toys. Your online store gets 50 visitors from Facebook daily, but on average only 15 visitors buy weekly – that means 35 visitors don’t convert. You can then create a Custom Audience of these 35 visitors (remember to exclude “previous buyers”) and target a MULTI-PRODUCT Carousel ad to this exact audience with different children’s toys. This way you can increase click-through-rate and reduce cost-per-acquisition.

This is why I think MULTI-PRODUCTS is a fascinating tool that more eCommerce companies should make use of. It never hurts to remind your customers what they’re missing if they don’t buy a product. Remind them about it with MULTI-PRODUCT Carousel ad.

The benefits of using MULTI-PRODUCT ads are:
– You allow your customers to see multiple products at once!
– You increase your conversion rate
– You can highlight the benefits of a product with an ad


Facebook user’s news feed is always filled with a lot of noise! Make sure you’re not one of those contributing to this noise.

Capture your audience by drawing them into your ads.

Your ad text and image must communicate with your target audience.

One way to do this is to include emojis. Facebook users make use of emojis when they want to express emotions and the SAME you can do.


You can choose from nine different Call-To-Action buttons. Make sure you choose the right one that suits the purpose of the ad.


Never make use of low-quality images.

Use eye-catching images that attract attention.

High-quality images are clear and rich in colour.


  • Use Facebook advertising to create content that your followers can share with their friends.
  • This helps convert two potential buyers at once!

You can offer your customers a deal on certain products, and if they comment on the post, their friend will also get a deal on the product.


People love to win. Therefore, with one or several facebook contests you can offer this opportunity and increase engagement on your account. Having said that, it can be argued that a competition does not give your Facebook account the right engaging signals. By that I mean that most people forget about your company profile as soon as the competition is over. In this way, you will not create the right relationship with those who enter the competition. But Facebook is an obvious medium to hold competitions and generate sales from it.

So always remember what your goal is.


Facebook offers are an alternative way to sell your products.

Facebook offers are effective because Facebook users must go to your website to activate them.

Therefore, they are much more likely to buy something.


Remember to use words in the headline of the ad that form the basis for the reader to react.

It’s about creating a headline that shouts at the reader to click on the ad.


An alternative to photos are Facebook videos!

Videos can do something different than pictures can. We can touch, feel and see the product from all sides and get a 360-degree view of the product’s features.

Make sure your videos are mobile-friendly because the majority of Facebook users who consume videos are through mobile devices.


Custom Audiences is a great way to create a list of people you want to target your ads to.

One way to reward your followers is to reward those who share your company’s posts, news, videos and images.

They spread the word. So now it’s time to give back to them!

These are the 10 tips on how WEBSHOPS can get results on Facebook. With Facebook advertising, you can achieve fast and effective results, IF it’s done the right way.

Facebook advertising prices

But what does it cost to advertise on Facebook? The eternal question that is highly relevant, but also difficult to give a precise answer to. It all depends on what you’re looking for. The great thing about Facebook ads is that you can set it up according to your budget. Therefore, you can start small with a few hundred dollars or go all the way up. It all depends on your target audience, ad type and how much exposure you want to give your campaigns in the newsfeed.

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