Company presentation video

When you as a company want to showcase your activities, there’s no getting around the fact that a presentation video is one of the most powerful tools.

On the other hand, it can also go really wrong if it ends up being just another boring interview video.

You probably know them well (-:

Therefore, when making a corporate video, it is obviously important to appear professional.

If you appear boring, it will have the opposite effect, making you look unprofessional. Of course, a business presentation video shouldn’t be frivolous, but you can have a bit of edge or humor to capture the interest of your target audience. Therefore, it is important that you know your target audience very well, otherwise it is difficult to communicate successfully with them. When you show in the video that your organization has an edge, you are automatically more likely to get more readers, which is good for your business.

If you need help with business presentations, you should definitely read on. We provide tips and reminders to help you get the best possible corporate video in-house.

A portrait video is your most powerful tool

If done right, as we discussed above, video can be your most powerful tool for creating a successful portrait of your business.

But where can the presentation video be used?

Actually a very good question as there are some best-practice examples to address. First, let’s start with our own checklist/rules that we use when planning a portrait video:

  1. Keep it simple and delicious
    That means 1-3 minutes maximum without long boring interviews
  2. Focus on your recipient instead of yourself
  3. Use a minimum of 2 camera angles and situation shots
  4. The interviewer must vary his tone and gestures
  5. If the budget allows, use an interviewer who actively participates in the video
    Nas Daily videos are the very best example

That’s a brief summary of some best-practice rules we always try to follow to ensure the highest quality. We also have some very practical examples of where you should use your presentation video, and very importantly, where you shouldn’t:

  • The front page of the website is a really nice place. Remember to lazy-load (web developer’s advice)
  • Social media (especially Facebook and LinkedIn)
  • Conferences or events
  • Onboarding of new employees

Where should you not use the portrait?

Our recommendation for where not to use business presentation videos may be a little cryptic. In general, we recommend that you DO NOT use the presentation for paid advertising, whether it’s commercials or social media video.

The reason for this is that these types of films can fall flat quite quickly in advertising. For advertising, we prefer to use short 5-30 second videos with drive and a very simple and clear message. Something you can also achieve with your portrait. Our experience is that this is often not the case.

Conversely, you can make some so-called cuts of the large presentation video, and thus have one or more small videos you can use for advertising. Or for that matter to use as featured videos in various articles on that website, or if you’re telling a particular story on social media.

Examples of corporate presentation video

Below are some carefully selected examples to give you an idea of how to make the different videos. We’ve also included an example from Nas Daily, as he does some really strong portraits. He has not made so many from companies, but the principle is pretty much the same.

Tell the story as the story should be told.

Below is an example of a perhaps somewhat difficult challenge: How do you get the incredible effect of Thai massage into a video? By making it a little creative and avoiding boring clichés.

What does a corporate presentation video cost?

Video production prices can vary incredibly as it again depends on your wishes for complexity. Some of the factors that determine the price are:

  • Number of locations and shooting days
  • Props and special rooms
  • Extras
  • Number of persons interviewed
  • Unique extra person interviewing company (Nas Daily style)
  • Time the film should last
  • How quickly it must be finished
  • Number of cuts
  • Platforms (web, social media, TV)

As you can see, it can get relatively complicated quickly. Therefore, you are of course welcome to contact us for a non-binding conversation.

What’s most important when creating video for businesses?

Our absolute and clearest recommendation is that you use our ÆAA form: honest, authentic and relaxed. That way you get the best result.

Some people are comfortable with scripting, which for others can be the biggest obstacle to a successful video.

In general, our experience is that interview questions are clearly the best approach. In this way, it becomes more of a conversation than an act, and authenticity is automatically ensured.

Then mix the interview with situational shots and possibly a rebuttal in the form of the Nas Daily style, and you have an incredibly powerful corporate portrait.

Our recommendation for the best kind of presentation video

Below is our best way to make the video:

  1. Start using the sandwich model
    Involves taking some situational shots first, then interview, then situational shots again
  2. Use minimum 2 camera angles
  3. Play with the lighting for the interview and create a bold atmosphere that reflects the company
  4. Try recording a little documentary style
    where the interviewee is followed around in natural surroundings
  5. Include the Nas Daily style
    Have a person be the narrator of the video and refute key points and messages
  6. Always use the ÆAA form
    Honest, authentic and relaxed
  7. Think about the receiver ALWAYS
    The video is intended for them and you always communicate at the recipient’s primes
  8. Avoid deadly boredom
    Too many portraits are downright dead boring. Use the above and avoid the trap! (-:

Have a question about business portraits you didn’t get answered here?

If you have any questions, you can always contact us without obligation. Finally, if you have any suggestions to make the site even better, please feel free to give us feedback!

Vores anbefaling til den bedste form for præsentationsvideo

Sådan anbefaler TRIBE en virksomhedspræsentation

Herunder får du vores ypperste måde at lave videoen på:

  1. Start med at bruge sandwichmodellen
    Indebærer, at man først optager lidt situationsbilleder, så interview, og derefter situationsbilleder igen
  2. Brug minimum 2 kameravinkler
  3. Leg med lyset til interviewet og skab en fed atmosfære, som afspejler virksomheden
  4. Prøv at optage lidt dokumentarstil
    hvor interviewpersonen følges rundt i naturlige omgivelser
  5. Inkludér Nas Daily stilen
    Få en person til at være fortælleren i videoen samt gendrive vigtige pointer og budskaber
  6. Altid brug ÆAA-formularen
    Ærlig, autentisk og afslappet
  7. Tænk modtageren ind ALTID
    Videoen er tiltænkt dem, og du kommunikerer altid på modtagerens primisser
  8. Undgå dødsensfarlig kedsomhed
    ALT for mange portrætter er deciderede død-kedelige. Brug ovenstående og undgå den fælde! (-:

Har du et spørgsmål om virksomhedsportrætter, du ikke fik opfyldt her? 

Du kan altid og naturligvis uforpligtende kontakte os, hvis du har det mindste spørgsmål. Slutteligt, hvis du har forslag til at gøre den side endnu bedre, må du rigtig gerne give os feedback!

Get help with video
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Benjamin and his video team are waiting to make your next commercial.

Contact us now and thank us later

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Go to subpages here

Includes a good mix of information/blog pages as well as service pages.

Produktfotografering af produkt

Product video

Product videos are pretty essential for businesses as it’s all about promoting their

Corporate video

Get a corporate video that stands out from the competition Our highly skilled


Images are effective, but promotional videos are in a league of their own!

Customer testimonials

Companies we have helped: what they say about working with us

Want to know more about working with us?

Not everyone fits in and vice versa. We want to deliver a quality product, which is why working with you is everything.

So let’s first start out by seeing if our two companies actually fit together. Call us or use the contact form below. We are not looking to deliver the cheapest product. Therefore if you are looking for the absolute lowest price, we are probably not a match. If you want a partner who cares deeply about your business, pick up the phone and talk to us. (-:

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Merry Christmas and thank you for your cooperation

No matter how much or little we’ve talked this year, our collaboration still means a lot to us at the Tribe.

That’s why we want to give you some special Christmas gift that might help you in 2022.

40% discount on a video or photo
for the website or social media.

The gift can be picked up at our office dalbygade 40U 1. floor or you can book an online conversation in my, Benjamin, calendar.

I look forward to talking to you. Merry Christmas!